CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards & Quality (CROSQ) and German National Metrology Institute (PTB)
The CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) and the German National Metrology Institute (PTB) are the implementers of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Project under the 11th EDF. IICA will collaborate with CROSQ/PTB in the area of laboratory improvement and also legislation framework strengthening. Under the TBT programme, several testing laboratories will be identified for support. This information will be shared with IICA with a view of providing additional support for the improvement of SPS testing laboratories that provide (or has the capacity to provide) specific tests required for market access. With respect to legislation framework strengthening, CROSQ is developing a tool on Good Regulatory Practices. This tool will be used by IICA to support the project action on legislation.
The CROSQ is the regional centre for promoting efficiency and competitive production in goods and services, through the process of standardisation and the verification of quality. CROSQ thereby aims to harmonise and circulate regional standards, facilitate competitiveness and trade both regionally and internationally and to enable the sustainable production of goods and services in the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) for the enhancement of social and economic development of the region.
International Trade Centre (ITC) and Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI)
International Trade Centre (ITC) and Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) are implementers of the Coconut Industry Development Expansion and Enhanced Support for the Caribbean. IICA will collaborate with the ITC and CARDI to identify the most suitable enterprises, based on their value chain study, to benefit from support under the SPS project.
A key area of intervention of the Coconut Project is the creation and reinforcement of food safety standards and strengthening of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) and quality compliance systems. As compliance with international SPS measures is a common intervention of the two projects, ITC and CARDI will collaborate with IICA to aid in the facilitation of positive outcomes and outputs that benefit both the Coconut and SPS Projects.
The ITC, established in 1964, is dedicated to supporting the internationalisation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). In alignment with ITC’s goals, the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) is dedicated to conducting research and development that seeks to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural sector in the Caribbean region.
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
As implementers of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) facilities, information will be shared with the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) with a view to countries benefiting from additional support under the EPA and CSME facilities to further advance actions supported under the 11th EDF SPS Action.
The CDB invests in the economic and social development of its Borrowing Member Countries. These investments, geared towards poverty reduction, span sectors such as agriculture and rural development, energy, and water and sanitation. The Bank is committed to helping Borrowing Member Countries reduce inequality and halve the incidence of extreme poverty by the end of 2025, through supporting inclusive and sustainable growth and promoting good governance.
Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA)
The Caribbean Agricultural Health & Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA) will be an important collaborator during the implementation of the project. As the designated regional body for the coordination of Agricultural Health and Food Safety (AHFS) activities they will play an important role in the effective implementation of the Action.
CAHFSA was created as an Inter-Governmental Organisation by the signing of an Agreement among Member States of the Caribbean Community. In October 2014, CAHFSA became operational with the appointment of a Chief Executive Officer. Located in Paramaribo, Suriname, CAHFSA is governed by a Board of Directors comprising one representative of each Member State representing the specialised areas of focus of CAHFSA as well as a representative from the CARICOM Secretariat who is represented on the Board as an observer. CAHFSA is mandated to perform a coordinating and organising role for the establishment of an effective and efficient regional sanitary and phytosanitary regime (SPS) and to execute on behalf of Member States such SPS actions and activities that can be more effectively and efficiently executed through a regional mechanism.