Opening Ceremony and Introductory Session
14th September 2021, 10-11:30AM AST
Module 1a - 17th September 2021 10-11:30AM AST
Module 1b - 21st September 2021 10-11:30AM AST
Module 2a - 24th September 2021 10-11:30AM AST
Module 2b - 29th September 2021 10-11:30AM AST
Module 3a - Oct 19th October 2021 10-11:30AM AST
Module 3b - 22nd October 2021 10-11:30AM AST
Module 4a - 26th October 2021 10-11:30AM AST
Module 4b - 29th October 2021 10-11:30AM AST
Online | Zoom
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) is the executing agency for the 11th EDF Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures Project which seeks to increase compliance by CARIFORUM States with international SPS measures, standards and procedures to increase international and regional market access. This objective will be achieved by building on the advances made in the implementation of the 10th EDF SPS Measures Project. The current SPS Measures Project focuses on the following areas: i)further development of the SPS regulatory environment in CARIFORUM Countries; ii)strengthening public and private sector capacity to comply with SPS measures, standards, and procedures; and iii) strengthening SPS capacity in the fisheries sector.
The activities relating to the development of the regulatory environment involves, in part, strengthening coordination across entities responsible for implementing various aspects of the SPS system. This Training Programme has been developed as part of the “Strengthening Agricultural Health and Food Safety Coordination in the Caribbean” activity. It takes into account the findings from the Self-Assessment Survey and the Training Needs Self-Assessment conducted during March 2021 and has been designed to be both concise and engaging. It aims to cover a range of leadership and management related topics collectively identified as training needs.
The course is designed to stimulate interest in the topic and further learning by participants themselves. Not all participants will have the same development needs. Some may feel they already possess particular strengths in relation to some aspects. Nevertheless, it is important that participants attend all modules as these are linked and interrelated.
Leadership and management development is an ongoing process and this course is designed to stimulate a commitment to continual learning. At the conclusion of the programme, participants will be encouraged to commit to sustaining the momentum both organisationally and personally through the use of the self-assessment process and the creation of personal development plans (PDP).
Welcome Note (First Half): providing context and outlining the approach and expected feedback DOWNLOAD
Technical Note: guidelines for operating the Zoom platform including language interpretation DOWNLOAD
Agendas: Modules 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b DOWNLOAD
Welcome Note (Second Half): providing context and outlining the approach and expected feedback DOWNLOAD
Agendas: Modules 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b DOWNLOAD
Self-Assessment Form: English DOWNLOAD
Self-Assessment Form: French DOWNLOAD
Self-Assessment Form: Spanish DOWNLOAD
AHFS Coordination Status Report DOWNLOAD
7 Tips for Success DOWNLOAD
Opening Ceremony: English DOWNLOAD
Opening Ceremony: French DOWNLOAD
Opening Ceremony: Spanish DOWNLOAD
Module 1a: English DOWNLOAD
Module 1a: French DOWNLOAD
Module 1a: Spanish DOWNLOAD
Module 1b: English (Part 1) DOWNLOAD
Module 1b: English (Part 2) DOWNLOAD
Module 1b: French DOWNLOAD
Module 1b: Spanish DOWNLOAD
Module 2a: English DOWNLOAD
Module 2a: French DOWNLOAD
Module 2a: Spanish DOWNLOAD
Module 2b: English DOWNLOAD
Module 2b: French DOWNLOAD
Module 2b: Spanish DOWNLOAD
Module 3a: English DOWNLOAD
Module 3a: French DOWNLOAD
Module 3a: Spanish DOWNLOAD
Module 3b: English DOWNLOAD
Module 3b: French DOWNLOAD
Module 3b: Spanish DOWNLOAD
Module 4a: English DOWNLOAD
Module 4a: French DOWNLOAD
Module 4a: Spanish DOWNLOAD
Module 4b: English DOWNLOAD
Module 4b: French DOWNLOAD
Module 4b: Spanish DOWNLOAD
Regulatory Reform
Joint Working
Leading and Managing Change
Performance Monitoring
Leadership and Management
Core competencies for Regulators
Time Management
Data Sharing
Measuring Performance
John Lawrance
Trevor Gibson
John is an expert in the management and organisation of regulatory services and has specific experience in developing cooperation and coordination arrangements across a wide range of Government bodies and Agencies. In 2016 and 2017, he worked on the successful delivery of the project ‘National Coordination Mechanisms for Agricultural Health and Food Safety Systems for CARIFORUM Countries’.
He has managed projects and programmes for the UK Government and overseas to support better regulation and the creation of more effective systems across all aspects of Government regulation, inspection and advice systems. He has delivered many leadership and management development programmes in a number of different Countries.
He was the Team Leader, Key Expert and report author for a CARICOM project aimed at strengthening regional coordination arrangements in the field of consumer protection. This included creating a learning and development programme for senior managers in the Caribbean region to enable them to acquire skills to manage change.
His career in the UK included public sector Chief Officer level management of a local Environmental Health and Trading Standards service with accountability for food, animal health and agriculture inspections.
He also has extensive Standards development experience as Chair of a British Standards (BSI) Committee and Convenor of International Standards (ISO) working group in the environmental field.
Originally trained as an Environmental Health Officer, Trevor spent almost thirty years in the public sector, most recently as Director of Environment and Community Services at Peterborough City Council. In this role he was responsible for the leadership and strategic management of a wide range of front-line services including, Environmental Health, Trading Standards, development control, transport, emergency planning and leisure services. Prior to that he held senior positions with Suffolk Coastal District Council and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.
Trevor responsible for the “Future Peterborough” programme in the UK and regularly presents expert papers at national and international conferences on a range of topics. He also chairs the British Standards Institute (BSI) Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities Committee (SDS/2).
He has been part of change management delivery projects on a range of international projects including in New Macedonia and Israel. This included the development and delivery of training programmes aimed at embedding the outputs of the projects themselves. In India he helped to design and deliver smart city leadership and development programmes in a range of States and cities.
One common theme throughout Trevor’s career continues to be his passion for environmental protection and sustainability. He has been responsible for leading the development of city scale strategies relating to both agendas since the 1980s. His current role in Peterborough maintains this through its focus on circular economy development.