SPS in a Changing World: Building Resilience in the Caribbean Webinar
Market access for Caribbean agri-food products is increasingly determined by compliance with international Sanitary and PhytoSanitary (SPS) measures. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has brought SPS matters into the mainstream, highlighting an even greater need to strengthen regional systems. To remain competitive, the Caribbean must become more agile in order to respond quickly and effectively to new SPS requirements and champion post-pandemic economic recovery. This webinar delves into the key issues affecting SPS matters in the Caribbean Region.

Gretchen Stanton
World Trade Organisation, Agriculture Division
Dr. Gavin Peters
Chief Executive Officer,
Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA)
Peter A. Murray
Advisor, Fisheries Management and Development,
CRFM Secretariat
Juliet Goldsmith
Plant Health Specialist,
Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA)
Dr. Janet Lawrence
Agricultural Health,
Safety and Food Quality
Specialist - Caribbean/11th
EDF SPS Project Manager, IICA
Ravi Sankar
Chief Executive Officer,
RHS Marketing Limited
SPS Capacity Building: Private Sector Case Study –Condiments & Spices
Jason Arnold
Quality Control Manager,
National Fishermen Producers Cooperative Society Limited
SPS Capacity Building: Private Sector Case Study - Fish & Fishery Products
Dr. Spencer Henson
Professor, Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (FARE), University of Guelph
Prioritising SPS Investments to Improve Market Access